Friday, April 23, 2010

We Slept Through It

domingo, 18 de abril del 2010
At breakfast, Isabel asked if we had felt the temblor last night. ¿Temblor? ¿Que es temblor? Well, folks, a temblor is a small terremoto (earthquake). No, we hadn’t felt it. We slept right through it! Our first earthquake! At least, the first earthquake I’ve been in. Isabel said she didn’t feel it, but it woke up Don Jairo and Rosa, his wife, around 3:30 a.m. Later, Rosa told us that the chandeliers were swaying. Don Jairo said that some people in Otavalo felt it and others did not. I didn’t find anything on the web, but I don’t doubt that it happened. It was probably too small and localized to be noted on the web. I did find some shaking recorded in La Paz, Bolivia on the proper date, but the wrong time. In the afternoon, the weather was nice so Marilyn took me for a ride in the mountains. Her ANETA (driving class) instructor had taken her to a couple of places that she knew I would like. Sure enough, I really enjoyed the drives. The second was to an overlook of Otavalo. Breath-taking! On the first drive, we saw a curiosity at a hacienda. I won't spill the beans because we intend to show it to Doris, Marilyn's mom, and other people who come to visit. --Glenn Hebert

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